An old dug well south of Baptiste Lake pre 1900. Baptiste Lake was a significant waterway for the movement of Sawlogs in the Bancroft area. The GW Martin sawmill was initially established by Grenville Martin after the second world war.

Narrow guage railway from the great war era in Cashel township. Sawlogs and other materials were forwarded as no existing waterway was available to move the material.

Erratic boulder in Tweed area. This large boulder was deposited by glacial action over 10,000 years ago.

An old axe wound on a white cedar. It did not take long for the axe wielder to determine tree was hollow and move on to the next tree. This cedar is 56 cm in diameter. Likely from shortly after second world war.

An old wooden spoke wheel used in the Stohl Lake sawmill north of Cloyne. This was found in an old dump site south of Stohl Lake by the the narrow road along the Lake.

Burnt red pine stump. This fir killed this red pine. Frequently large pine, oak and hemlock can withstand fire to a certain degree due to the thick bark. Heavy seeding normally occurrs after a fire regenerating the stand stand to pine, oak and hemlock. This tree was unable to do so. A large number of fires swept through the country side from the mid 1800's into the early 1900's. Many of these fires escaped landowners trying to clear brush and debris to start farming. Large pine, oak and hemlock that survived these fires with scarring are said to have church doors. The following photo illustrates that.