The selection system is partial removal of a stand in 20 year intervals. On high quality sites this can be reduced to 15 years while lower quality sites it may be up to 25 years. This system favours shade tolerant species like hard maple, beech and hemlock. No more than 1/3 of the stand is removed at any one time. No less than 65% crown closure.
The selection system will also provide a continuous and predictable supply high quality sawlogs while maintaining a high quality genetic base for future development of the stand.
This system also maintains habitat for the Cerulean warbler along with Wood thrush, white and red-breasted nuthatch, Brown creeper, Great crested flycatcher, three woodpecker species, red shouldered hawk and several more. The downed woody debris which will maintain moisture under shade and be habitat for salamander's, red bellied snake, ring neck snake, and various insects and fungi. It is a symbiotic relationship with the various aspects working together to maintain a healthy forest.
The selection system will also provide a continuous and predictable supply high quality sawlogs while maintaining a high quality genetic base for future development of the stand.
This system also maintains habitat for the Cerulean warbler along with Wood thrush, white and red-breasted nuthatch, Brown creeper, Great crested flycatcher, three woodpecker species, red shouldered hawk and several more. The downed woody debris which will maintain moisture under shade and be habitat for salamander's, red bellied snake, ring neck snake, and various insects and fungi. It is a symbiotic relationship with the various aspects working together to maintain a healthy forest.